* We came across two lost dogs in the government-designated “difficult-to-return” restricted zone in Namie. Their claws were worn down from constant wandering and foraging for food. A kindly Namie couple took them in. The traps set out by the hokenjo to catch dogs ended up trapping a fox and cats instead. We rescued the cats and released the foxes. * The end of February brought with it melting snow and blossoming flowers. This is what our cat feeding and rescue efforts look like. We let the very cute Mr. Raccoon Dog go. One cat was too big for the small trap we had, so we loaded a larger one on the back of a truck, but we were unable to lure the cat into it. *The Joban expressway has opened up, and radiation levels are displayed. *Up in the “difficult-to-return” restricted zone of Okuma, we visited the members of Friends Humane Society, who care for the cows saved from culling and work to preserve the environment. The wonderful folks from Tsushima, Namie, helped them to build a brand-new ranch!! We met these kind people through our work with dogs and cats, and despite being left essentially homeless themselves after the nuclear plant disaster, they selflessly helped us to help other living things. Other kind souls have taken in a mother cat and kitten to look after even as they continue to live in temporary housing. Still others came here from Miyakoji (Tamura-gun, Fukushima Pref.). They are all warm-hearted, good people. They talked about their hometowns, including the beautiful Abukuma mountain area. * We brought 3 cats from the kind dog and cat rescuers in Namie back with us to Tokyo. People’s homes in the evacuated areas are being decontaminated, which is necessary for the inhabitants’ return. Unfortunately, homes will likely require multiple decontaminations before they can be lived in again. Here, we are presenting our activity reports and introducing local residents. English by Judy Howland