Fukushima Activity Report (Nov-early Dec 2016)

Okuma and Futaba (nuclear power plant towns): 
1 .We are working with local residents to support the cats and dogs still living here. Both of these towns are filled with the wreckage of homes destroyed in the earthquake. Finally decontamination and trash removal have begun. We were surprised to see that the branches of pear trees in a local orchard had been cut. 
2. A cat we had seen near the ocean in Futaba recently reappeared some 6km away, near a home in Okuma. Joy replaced worry, and now we will try to capture this brave, hungry cat. 

Namie and Iitatemura (heavily contaminated areas)
1.	The area leading toward Iitatemura from Namie is a beautiful mountainous area, but radioactive contamination has rendered this scenic landscape inhabitable. The mountainside is ravaged, and wild animals roam freely; still there are dogs and cats struggling to survive in this inhospitable environment. Lately the traps we set to rescue cats end up with foxes inside of them. The cats have become more cautious, making it harder than ever to save them. 
2.	We are grateful to local residents who also help with food stations and water drinking areas for the animals. 
3.	We visited a recovering cow farm. These people also care for cats displaced by the disaster. We provided spay/neuter as well as simple medical treatment for cats who required it. 
4.	Starting in December, we also have begun making house calls to treat the numerous cats rescued by another Namie local resident.
5.	On one particularly cold day, we were able to rescue three cats. We hope to be able to go back and rescue the rest. We left feeling grateful and humbled by the hard work of local residents also working hard to protect those innocent lives left behind. 

English by Judy Howland

福島第2原発 住民の一時帰宅の受付で

双葉町の一角 各地区にゲートあり

2011年の地震のまま 双葉町

地震のままで荒れて 双葉町

1階がつぶれています  双葉町

後ろに並ぶ梨の木が切られて整理されていました  大熊町の果物園

今年の夏から見あたらず心配していた猫です      赤外線監視カメラで


1頭の猫のために 3~4個の捕獲機を設置することもあります

大熊町役場 無人です

富岡町の福島第2原発 一時帰宅受付   5時間の帰宅終了後に必ず寄る規則です

浪江町の山の上から飯館村の北部を望んで 風の日、、環境庁の放射線測定器があります 元は畑

浪江町津島の手七郎部落 飯館村の近く

飯館村と浪江町の帰還困難区域は行き来ができません お隣付き合いの地区でした

浪江町側から飯館村を望んで  静寂の中

浪江町と飯館村北部には事故の時に 高濃度の放射線が流れてきました


浪江町白追 田畑は荒れ果てて この家の主は泣いていました


捕獲機設置中 浪江町

浪江町に原発はありません  帰れない場所です

シャミーちゃん!一緒にかえろうよ~ 捕獲困難

猫を大きい捕獲機で騙そうとしたら、、、 キツネが騙された、、

福島の復興牧場は清潔で牛にも優しい いつもフカフカのおが屑

復興牧場の猫母子 怪我と風邪 避妊手術

皆治療して 場長さんにお返し~~

シャミーちゃんに捕獲機2台設置  無視されました

猫の給食場用の工作です 浪江町 ここには住み残った人もいました


Kさんは  弱った猫を自費で保護しています




捕獲機設置 寒い日



