・This is our activity report on January 2016. Cats left alone in the evacuation zone are waiting for us. ・Our rescued cats must also be happy. We rescued a dog and four cats in kikankonnan zone of Namie.①② ・Those pets, for whom we had set traps based on our infrared camera, but who had never entered the traps, were finally caught in this winter; they were probably hungry. You could see their pictures below.③~⑨ ・After the new year´s day, mountains of evacuation zones have got snow. So much beauty in nature here . People who had lived here have lost it. How much does this suffer them . But there are 2 men who have ever lived since 2011. They have helped our activity . ⑩~⑰ ・Although a snowplow sometimes clears snow away, we must walk with snow shoes and make a way with a 4 wheel drive car and a scop on remaining roads of most parts. The infrared surveillance cameras captured cats. ⑲~㊺ ・In Tokyo , we are very busy in caring cats and searching their foster parents. ・We carefully care cats in our shelter because there are lots of elder or sick cats. ・This new year brought us happiness that two baby cats could start their new adopted life.
After the new year´s day, mountains of evacuation zones have got snow.

Happy-chan was rescued on new year’s eve and spent new year’s day with a man who has ever lived in this area since 2011.
Kouta-chan rescued on Jan.5.

One of them was rescued on Jan.6 .

Brown cat was rescued on Jan 10.

Gray cat was rescued on Jan 10.
After the new year´s day, mountains of evacuation zones have got snow.